The relationship between cultural capital and participation in physical activity among women in Yazd

Document Type : Research Paper




.Introduction and Aim: Today, women's participation in various social activities deemed to be part of their social rights. Women's participation in physical activity due to its major impact on public health is very important. The study was performed using Bourdieu's theory of cultural capital, cultural capital and the relationship between participation in physical activity among the women studied was the city of Yazd. 

Methodology: Research study and survey data were collected using a questionnaire. Physical Activity Scale for measuring physical activity, healthy lifestyle and to measure the cultural capital of the questionnaire is used. The population of the study, all women between the ages of 15 and 25 in the city of Yazd in 1393 that Cochran formula, 485 of whom were selected. 
Findings and conclusions: The results showed the cultural capital and its dimensions (embodied, objectified and institutionalized) and women's participation in physical activity and significant correlation existsو So that the higher the cultural capital of women, their participation in physical activity also increases. Hierarchical regression analysis showed that the variables of marital status and employment status varied cultural capital embodied in the first phase and the second phase, more than 27 percent of the changes in women's participation in physical activity explain. Bourdieu a montré des résultats cohérents avec des commentaires Afin de renforcer et d'accroître l'activité de capital culturel des femmes qui se traduira par l'activité physique.


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