Comparison of the dimensions of justice in the view of the students of the social and individual team universities of the country

Document Type : Research Paper


Introduction and Objectives: The present study compares the dimensions of justice between male and female college students in group and individual sports teams.
Methodology: The research population consisted of students from the sports teams of the state university, seven universities with a population of 2,200 and were purposefully selected as samples, and among their teams, two social sport teams (109 football players and 109 volleyball players) and two individual sports teams (62 wrestlers and 57 martial arts wrestlers) were selected as the sample. The research method is based on the purpose of applied research and in terms of the descriptive comparative method that runs in the field. The data was collected by a researcher-made two-dimensional questionnaire, which was conducted as a test on the students of Sistan and Baluchistan University and has reliability (0.78), and its validity was confirmed by 12 sports management and management experts.
Results: The results show there is difference, with regards to distribution justice between individual and social team’s sports. In addition it showed that interaction justice is more tangible in individual sports, and there is a meaningful difference in all dimensions between singular and social sport teams.
Conclusion: There is a difference between the present situation of justice and the ideal situation in all. In addition, correcting legal procedures, in the opinion of students, leads to justice in society.


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