Organizational Silence prediction based on spiritual leadership in the Sports Sciences Research Institute

Document Type : Research Paper


1 assisstant professor

2 PhD in Educational Management, Planning and Policy, Institute of Physical Education and Sports Science

3 msc


Purpose: The staff’s participation and cooperation is necessary for progress of change, innovation and initiation. The aim of this study is Organizational Silence prediction based on spiritual leadership in the Sports Sciences Research Institute.
Methodology: In terms of purpose, this research is applied, while in terms of methodology, it is descriptive - correlative, which is done in the form of field study. The population of the study is consisted of all the research staff of the Institute of Physical Education and Sports Sciences of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology. The sample was considered as a whole number equal to the population (N=n=50). For data collection, spiritual leader Givarian and et al (1390) (α = 0.89) and organizational silence Vakola & Dimitris (2002) questionnaires (α = .76) were used and distributed among the of the research samples. The survey data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, K-S test, Pearson correlation and regression analysis, t-test and ANOVA.


Main Subjects