Objective: In addition of routine and main issues of students within high education system, there are many opportunities like as leisure times which play a key role on improving the educational environments. Hence, present study has been designed with purpose of exploring these opportunities among students with emphasized on sport activities in order to leads to happiness in high education system. Methodology: Number of 505 students (289 girls and 216 boys) from 13290 students of University of Mazandaran selected as sample by Morgan Table and they responded to research made questionnaire of 30 items. Its validity confirmed through 20 experts and its reliability calculated 0.87 by Cronbach’s Alpha. Results: Results of λ2 showed that students mainly activated significantly (sig= .001) with computer activities (λ2= 8.87), sport (λ2= 8.23), and hearing music (λ2= 8.01). Moreover, students reported that they are relative satisfied from sport facilities (t= 3.36; sig= .001), but they scored weakly to setting up the sport events in leisure times. Conclusion: Based on these findings should be stated that government university’s students were more satisfied for university’s sport program and regarding to computer activities among students we suggested that sport program will present attractively via site and software programs.
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mohammad hosein razavi; seyed Hossein Alavi; Esmaeil Zabihi; Mohsen Loghmani. "Sport status in student’s leisure time system and presenting pattern", Journal of Sport Management and Motor Behavior, 16, 31, 2020, 51-39. doi: 10.22080/jsmb.2018.8119.2112
razavi, M. H., Alavi, S. H., Zabihi, E., Loghmani, M. (2020). 'Sport status in student’s leisure time system and presenting pattern', Journal of Sport Management and Motor Behavior, 16(31), pp. 51-39. doi: 10.22080/jsmb.2018.8119.2112
M. H. razavi , S. H. Alavi , E. Zabihi and M. Loghmani, "Sport status in student’s leisure time system and presenting pattern," Journal of Sport Management and Motor Behavior, 16 31 (2020): 51-39, doi: 10.22080/jsmb.2018.8119.2112
razavi, M. H., Alavi, S. H., Zabihi, E., Loghmani, M. Sport status in student’s leisure time system and presenting pattern. Journal of Sport Management and Motor Behavior, 2020; 16(31): 51-39. doi: 10.22080/jsmb.2018.8119.2112