Developing Structural Model of Cybernetic Management System, Organizational Health and Learning in Iran Sport Federations

Document Type : Research Paper


Nowadays, the organizations have to apply coherent structural principles and to promote health and knowledge to achieve success. So, the purpose of the present study was to develop a structural model of CM, organizational health and learning in Iran sport federations. The present study was a field research using correlation test. The population was all the Iranian sport federations’ staff. They were selected in a stratified random manner according to the population size (N=234). Thus 15 federations were selected randomly. Krejcie and Morgan sampling methods were used to find the sample size of mentioned federations and 192 questionnaires remained eventually. Cybernetic Management (α= 0/89) and learning questionnaire was used which developed by Qorbanizadeh (2010) (α= 0/92), also Organizational Health questionnaire (OHI) which developed by Lynden and Klingele either (α= 0/91). The results showed that Cybernetic Management has direct effect on organizational health and organizational learning process and has indirect effect on organizational learning culture. According to these results it is crucial to pay special attention to ethic, and to develop & train modern technologies, and to create an information flow and effective leadership to enhance the efficiency of sport organizations in order to achieve organization’s goals and strategies.


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