The relationship between internal marketing and service quality in sport and youth organization in Golestan province

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of sport Management ,University of Mazandaran

2 Msc of sport management Islamic Azad University Branch of Sari

3 phd of sport Management , University of Mazandaran


Background and Purpose: The concept of Internal Marketing (IM) is a relatively new approach that has been investigated by researchers and adopted by companies in order to enhance the quality of their products and services and to achieve a better performance. The aim of this study was the relationship between internal marketing and service quality in sport and youth organization in Golestan province.
Methodology: This study was correlational and was applied quantitative approaches. The population of the study were all experts of the sport and youth organization in Golestan province (n=110). Since the number of staff is limited, the sample was considered equal. Two questionnaires include Servqual (Parasuraman et al , 1985) and internal marketing ( Mooney and Forman,1995) was used.
Results: The significance level for all tests were considered p≤0.05. Test results showed that the concept of internal marketing has positive relationship with the quality of service in sport and youth organization in Golestan province p≤0.05. Managers should help employees develop their vision and laid out a vision that is worthy of organization and consensus. As well as development of training and staff skills and competency-based reward system, personnel support to improve performance


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