Investigation on motivations and barriers for tendency to the “sports for all” among the students of State, Payame Noor and Islamic Azad Universities of Mashhad

Document Type : Research Paper




The purpose of current study is investigation of motivations and barriers related to the “sports for all” among the students. For this reason, among the 50,000 undergraduate students of the universities of State, Payame Noor and Islamic Azad (Mashhad branch) in the academic year of 93-94, 1131 students were selected based on the Morgan table using random-stratified sampling method. The information was made by a questionnaire which had been designed by the researcher himself and the validity of that was confirmed by 20 experts in sport management. The stability of the questionnaire based on Cronbach's α-coefficient was 0.84 in the case of motivations and 0.68 for barriers of participating in sport activities. Also, descriptive statistics such as frequency tables and columnar graphs were used to analyze the data Also, the mean of standard deviation and variance and in the inferential statistics of Kolmogorov Smirnov test To determine the normality of the variables, the Kruskal-Wallis test and the two consensus tables have been used. The results demonstrated that enjoy the exercise and mental relaxation, are of the motivations for participating in sport activities, while social interactions and the impact of sport on health are not motivating factors. The variables of the lack of sport information, behavioral and everyday problems are not the barriers for participating in sport activities, but the variable of lack of access to sport sites is of the main barriers in this case.


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