The comparison of different combinations of observational and imagery exercise on static balance

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Motor Behavior-Sport Science Faculty-University of Isfahan

2 Motor Behavior Department-Sport Science Faculty-University of Isfahan-Isfahan-Iran


The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of motor imagery practice through and after observation on static balance.In this research with use of Movement Imagery Questioner Revised (MIQ_R), 24 girl students in the range of fifteen to seventeen years old and with top imagery ability by high scores in Movement Imagery Questioner Revised selected and matched randomly in two groups (imagery after observation and imagery through observation groups). Measuring devices in this study was stork test for determine the subjects balance value in two stages ,before and after 6 session (mental effort) by both groups. Data and result of tests were analyzed by ANOVA 2*3 and paired t-test (p
