The Effectiveness of Quiet eye training on gaze Behavior and Performance in Pressure situation; Based on Mental toughness

Document Type : Research Paper


1 kharazmi University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Motor Behavior, School of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran



Introduction and goal: Mental toughness and gaze behavior have key roles in promoting sports performance. Therefore, the present study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of Quiet eye training on gaze behavior and performance in under-pressure situations, based on mental toughness.
Methodology: The present study is applied and semi-experimental. From the 16 goalkeepers in the hockey league, 6 were selected (Mean age 8/4 ± 11/21) for this study. The research consisted of pre-test, intervention, post-test, and pressure situation. The participants received 25 hockey drag flicks from a distance of 9 meters in the test phases. The intervention was performed for three consecutive days (9 blocks with 40 attempts each, resulting in a total of 360 attempts). The participants entered the playing field after receiving video feedback on their quiet eye status and comparing it with the quiet eye of an elite goalkeeper and practiced receiving according to the instructions given. A mobile eye tracking device was used to investigate gaze behavior and performance was recorded by checklists and a GoPro camera. A 48-item questionnaire by kelaff et al. (2002) was used to assess mental toughness. Data were analyzed using compound variance analysis 3 (measurement time) × 2 (mental toughness level) and the Bonferroni post hoc test to evaluate intervention on gaze behavior and performance.
Findings: The results showed that quiet eye training had a statistically significant effect on gaze behavior (P = 0.001) and performance (P = 0.001) in all three time positions.
Conclusion: According to the results of this study, it can be concluded that exercise affects gaze behavior and this in turn results in better performance in under-pressure conditions. This progress was seen in both groups, but since no difference was found between the groups, more research is needed.


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