Designing a Model of the Factors Affecting the Competency of Physical Education Directors of Universities

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student, Faculty of Physical Education, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran

2 Faculty of Physical Education, Islamic azad university, mashhad branch. mashhad, iran

3 Faculty of Sport Sciences, Birjand University, Birjand, Iran

4 Faculty of Physical Education, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran


Background & Purpose: Due to the different composition of factors affecting competency in different organizations, this study aims to identify the effective factors of the competency of physical education managers in universities, and design a model for interaction between them.
Methodology: The present study is an exploratory blended research involving qualitative and qualitative-quantitative parts. Initially, the effective factors of managerial competence (7 factors) were extracted from the theoretical literature, and were then verified by interviewing sports management experts. Next, using the analytical structural analysis method, the relationships between these factors were determined and analyzed in an integrated manner. In the model development stage, a questionnaire was used to collect information from the management experts (n=25) who were specifically selected for the purposes of this study.
Results: The results of this research led to the classification of the factors affecting physical education managers’ competence and the way these factors communicate and interact with each other, based on which a model was designed for these factors. The results showed that Islamic and individual factors have more effect than the rest of the factors.
Conclusion: The assessment and development of these factors should be considered a key priority in the selection, appointment and evaluation of the performance of university managers.


Main Subjects


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