Design & Explanation Model of Athlete’s Personal Brand Image in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D Student of Sport Management, Allameh Tabataba’I, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Sport Management, University of Tehran, Iran


Background & Purpose: Today, like branding of different products, branding for athletes have increased and been important. accordingly, this study has aimed to design and clarify the image model of personal brand of athletes in Iranian society.
Methodology: This study has been carried out by descriptive –survey method. The society included 110 professors, members of faculty and students of high education who have specialized in athletic marketing. Sampling method has been systematic. Data Researcher-made questionnaire which was designed on the basis of Iranian athletes was used. Data were analyzed by Smart-PLS and SPPS 23 software.
Results: Findings from the study showed that communication factors, social responsibility, being pattern, attraction, magnanimity behavior, dependability, life style, prepared body, competitive style and international position have the most effect in the image of personal brand of athlete, respectively.
Conclusion: Results showed that in developing the internal product marketing and supporting the internal products, selecting the private brand of athlete can play important role in their ratification. But, it is necessary to attend the prominent worth of human especially athletes taking responsibility to presenting ethical and behavioral values and magnanimity and athletic principles to the society.


Main Subjects


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