Designing a conceptual model of process in money laundering on football and presenting solutions

Document Type : Research Paper


1 faculty of physical education and sport sciences,ayat allah amoli branch

2 Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

3 Payam Nour University


Introduction: Money laundering is one of the illegal acts that has negative effects on economy. The purpose of this study is identifying contexts, conditions, process and consequences of Money laundering on football and recommend solutions to preventing it.
Methodology: Research conducted through a mixed methods in fundamental-explanatory's nature.In first part (Qualitative phase) data were collected through in-depth interviews with experts based on snowball sampling. The data were coded and analyzed based on grounded theory via systematic approach. In second part (quantitative phase) a researcher made questionnaire distributed after meet validity and reliability. In this phase data were analyzed through SEM.
Findings: data analysis revealed that main categories are: intervening conditions (no clear supervising on financial affairs), contexts (unhealthy economic structure), causal conditions (poisoning of economic climate), phenomena (money laundering), strategies (indifference on financial management), finally, Consequences (economic malfunction on football). In quantitative phase, conceptual model was confirmed through path analysis.
Discussion and conclusion: money laundering is a phenomena that may happen in football. Hence, understanding process in ML and considering them is crucial act. Therefore, to prevent ML must be clear supervising on financial affairs, healthy economic structure and developed economic climate on financial channels in football. Thereby, we can implantation an efficient managing on financial affairs in football.


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