The Effect of Instructional Self-Talk Combined with Self-control Feedback on Soccer Shot Acquisition and Retention

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Motor Behavior, Shahid Beheshti, Tehran, Iran

2 shahid beheshti, tehran, iran

3 Shahid beheshti, Tehran, Iran


Introduction and purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of instructional self-talk in combination with self-control feedback on learning to shoot in soccer.
Methodology: In the current study, 60 male non-athlete volunteer students aged 10-12 were selected for data collection. Initially, a shooting pre-test was held and then the subjects were placed in five groups of 12. The groups practiced shooting for six sessions and included the instructional self-talk, self-control feedback, instructional self-talk with self-control feedback, instructional self-talk with paired feedback, and control groups. After the last training session, a post-test was held and an exam was held after 48 hours, in which the shooting movement patterns of the participants was video taped. In order to register the pattern, a researcher-made football shooting questionnaire was used. After the three stages of the study (pre-test, post-test, and a delayed test) were conducted, the collected data was analyzed. In order to test hypotheses, ANOVA at a significance level of 0.05 was used, in which Tukey's and Dante-C's post hoc tests were utilized to determine the difference between the groups in different stages.
Results: The pattern findings showed that the instructional self-talk group and the instructional self-talk with self-control feedback group performed better than the other groups in the learning and delayed tests. However, no significant difference was found between the groups.
Discussion and conclusion: Overall, according to the results of the current study, the use of self-talk techniques can be beneficial in the preliminary stages of learning how to shoot in soccer, which is one of the basic skills in the sport and requires focus, coordination, and accuracy. Additionally, the results showed that self-control feedback in combination with instructional self-talk can be beneficial in increasing the level of motor skills.



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