Effective factors on social entrepreneurship in sports organizations of Makazi province

Document Type : Research Paper


1 .

2 M.A. in sport management-Arak university

3 Faculty member, Islamic Azad University of Arak



Background & purpose: Social entrepreneurship is applying innovative processes for creating social values. By social entrepreneurship, sport organizations with an innovative approach can contribute to identifying and solving complicated social problems. The purpose of this research was studying influential factors on social entrepreneurship of active sport boards and clubs in Markazi province.

Methodology: The statistical population included managers and experts of sports and youth offices, chairmen and vice chairmen of the sports board and also the sports club's managers which all selected as statistical sample (N=226). For gathering data, questionnaire based on literature review especially Weerawardena & Mort (2006) and Rezaei (2012) was used. The data were analyzed by structural equations model in SPSS V.21 and LISEREL V.8.8.

Results: The results showed that innovativeness, accomplish entrepreneurship initiatives, risk taking, developing entrepreneurial strategies, identifying and using opportunities, developing entrepreneurship programs and proactiveness were affected on social entrepreneurship of sport boards and clubs in Markazi province.

Conclution: Developing entrepreneurial strategies, identifying and using opportunities, proactiveness, risk taking, developing entrepreneurship programs, innovativeness and accomplish entrepreneurship initiatives respectively were affected on social entrepreneurship of sport boards and clubs in Markazi province. It is recommended that these factors, consider for improving social entrepreneurship of sport organizations in Makazi province.


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