Effect of Self-Reflective Job Titles on Work Conscience among Physical Education Teachers of Gilan’s Less Developed Regions

Document Type : Research Paper


Background & Purpose: Self-reflective job titles are a kind of psychological state in which individuals use informal labels for themselves and their jobs to obtain positive psychological outcomes in tense and stressful situations. This quasi-experimental study examines the effects of self-reflective job titles on the work conscience dimensions (as a positive psychological outcome) of physical education (PE) teachers in the less developed regions (as a tens and stressful setting) of Guilan.
Methodology: A number of 180 PE teachers in less developed regions of Guilan province were randomly assigned to two experimental and control groups, each consisting 90 participants, and answered the perception of work conscience questionnaire twice (once at the beginning of the study and once after receiving self-reflective job titles intervention for five weeks) .
Results: The analysis of variance with repeated measures showed that after receiving the intervention for five weeks, the experimental group had significant changes in the mean of responsibility and dependence on culture components, while no significant difference was found between the two groups in the mean of other components.
Conclusion: Findings showed that through influencing the dimensions of work conscience, self-reflective job titles have a positive function in order to retain PE teachers in less developed areas and are important maintenance factors in this field.


Main Subjects

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