explain the structural model of dual task performance on attention, working memory and anxiety in sports performance with the mediating role of intelligence.

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Secretary of Education

2 Associate Professor, PhD, University of Arak

3 Assistant Professor, PhD, University of Arak



Background & Purpose:Today, dual homework is one of the most important components in sports performance. Many researchers have stated that anything requires at least some degree of dual task. The purpose of this study was to explain the structural model of dual task performance based on attention, memory, work and anxiety in sports performance with the mediating role of intelligence.

Methodology: For this purpose, 310 first course in middle school students (age range between 14 and 16 years) in Arak were selected by Targeted non-random sampling. The research method was correlational (structural equation model). Raven's advanced matrix intelligence test, black-and-red attention table, Wechsler working memory, Cattell Anxiety, and researcher-made dual-task test were used to collect data. For statistical analysis of data, Spss software version 24, Amos software version 22 and R software version 3.5.1 (mvnormtest package) were used

Results: The results showed that the evaluated model fits well with the data. Also, the results show that the fit indices are in a good condition. The fit indices of the model are as follows: RMSEA which is less than 0.1 was equal to 0.07, CFI, NFI, GFI, RMR which should be higher than 0.9 were equal to 0.97, 0.95, 0.96, 0.94, respectively. All indicators show the proper fit of the model. The results show that the variables of intelligence, attention and anxiety are directly and indirectly and the variables of memory are indirectly related to the performance of dual tasks.

Conclusion: It is concluded that in performing a professional sports activity that requires performing more than one task at a time, more attention should be paid to the psychological characteristics of individuals such as attention, working memory and especially intelligence. Anxiety control can also be one of the most important components of successful performance in complex sports activities.


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