The effect of of nonlinear pedagogy on lower limb kinematics in walking motor skill in children 3-5 years old

Document Type : Research Paper


1 student

2 Motor Behavior Department Physical Education & Sport Sciences Faculty Kharazmi University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 physical education and sport sciences faculty kharazmi university of tehran



The aim of this study was the effect of nonlinear pedagogy on lower limb kinematics in walking motor skill in 3-5 years old children. Twenty-four children aged 3-5 years old were randomly divided into two groups [experimental group: (n: 12), and control group: (n: 12)]. The intervention group practiced (repeat the correct walking pattern) for six weeks and two sessions per week. The angels of the hip, knee, and ankle joints were measured on the sagittal plane at the moment of heel-ground contact and the toe-off the ground, before and after the intervention, using video analysis (ie to record motion used from GoPro camera (2.7 K resolution and 120 frames per second) and kinematic data extraction used from Kinovea software). For intra-group comparison of paired t-test was used and inter-group comparison, MANOVA test was used at a significance level of 0.05. In the intervention group: in the moment of heel-ground contact, the amount of dorsiflexion of the ankle increased by 33.85% after the intervention, knee flexion decreased by 17.19% and hip flexion decreased by 17.76%. Also, in the moment of toe-off the ground, the amount of plantar flexion of the ankle increased by 35.56% after the intervention, knee flexion decreased by 14.83%, and hip extension increased by 35.76%. Based on the results of MANOVA analysis, there was a significant difference between the exercise and control groups in the kinematic walking variables. Given that a nonlinear pedagogy period had a significant effect on improving the kinematic pattern of gait; therefore, it is recommended to use nonlinear pedagogy along with other educational interventions in order to change the walking pattern and increase the level of activity in children and at the same time prevent non-contact injuries during movement at the age of 3-5 years.


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