The relationship of service quality to the customer`s satisfaction and loyalty in women`s sport clubs: case of Mazandaran province

Document Type : Research Paper


Background & Purpose: Literature and objective: Nowadays, with the formation of the new sports events, a great opportunity in modern sports has been created for women. So, the administration of women sports clubs requires specialty and great knowledge. Clubs should pay attention to their customers' needs and also they should promote service quality continuously to attain their marketing objectives. Women sports clubs will continue to have more clients if they put more emphasis on service quality and its promotion in different aspects form physical conditions to the customers' problems, meeting their needs and employing trustworthy staff. The purpose of this research is to determine the relevance of service quality to the customers' acceptability and loyalty of mazandaran female sports clubs.
Methodology: This research is based on description and measurement and the authors have collected data with the help of a standard questionnaire for service quality, satisfaction and loyalty rate. The analysis of data was done by the use of descriptive statistics to examine and describe variables in research team. Kalmograf – Smirnov and spear mans statistical methods and also multiple regressions were used to analyze the data in a meaningful level p≤. /05.  Statistical community (group) included all women in mazandaran sports clubs who had a six-month sports activity experience. Statistical sample with a number of 341 persons was selected randomly classified and clustered.
Findings: There was a significant and positive relation between all dimensions of mazandaran women sports clubs service quality and the customers' loyalty and acceptability. Also, each of the service quality dimensions predicts some of the changes in customers consent and fidelity in such a way that visible physical factors (31.6 %), trustfulness (57.6%), certainty (53.1%), responsiveness (52.2%) and confidence describe and explain the customers' changes.
conclusion:On the basis of the present research findings, the service quality plays an important role in customers' satisfaction and loyalty in mazandaran female sports clubs.


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