Comparison of burnout among karate and swimming trainers

Document Type : Research Paper


Purpose and Background: The evaluation of trainer's professional behavior is necessary for managers for planning more accurate and consistent, which can prevent the identification and elimination of occupational stress factors and resources, to maintaining physical and mental health of professional coaches from any possibility of job motiveless and burn-out and prevent from transfer of stress to athletes. So the purpose of this study was to compare the rate of burnout among trainers of karate and swimming.
Methods: The research method is a causal-comparative one. The populations of the study were all coaches of swimming and karate in the city of Tabriz. The swim coaches were 85 people and Karate coaches were 50 people and they were assigned randomly and participated in this study. Maslach Burnout Inventory was used to collect information; the mean age of the study subjects among Karate coaches were 32.56 years and among swimming Coaches were 30.71 years. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and Analysis of variance was used to display and analysis of data.
Results: The data analysis revealed that the maximum score of Burnout among karate coaches were 95.86 and among Swimming Coaches were 88.21 which is indicating a greater degree of burnout among of karate trainers. Moreover, research findings indicate that the level of emotional exhaustion among karate trainers and the level of individual performance reduction among swimming coaches is significantly higher. But the depersonalization subscale has no significant differences between educators in karate and swimming fields.
Discussion: The results indicate that the majority of karate and swimming coaches experience more or less burnout, although the prevalence of this syndrome were different between coaches of two fields which suggests that certain conditions of job and the nature of two sports is influencing the prevalence of burnout syndrome.


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