The Relationship Between Coaching Efficacy with Sport Enjoyment and Commitment of Volleyball Players, (Case study: Semnan province)

Document Type : Research Paper


Background & Purpose: Coaching efficacy refers to the extent to which coaches they have the capacity to affect the learning and performance of their athletes. Thus, effective coaches are generally those, who, through their behaviors, produce positive outcomes in athletes. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between coaching efficacy with sport enjoyment and commitment.
Methods: This study was conducted in descriptive and correlational method. The statistical populations consist of all volleyball player of Semnan province, aged 16 and older (n=858). The sample consisted of 250 volleyball players that selected through cluster random sampling and responded to four questionnaires including: demographic characteristics, coaching efficacy (Feltz and et al, 1999), sport commitment and sport enjoyment (Scanlan and et al, 1993). In addition, to determine the Face and content validity of the questionnaires, 9 experts were consulted and to determine the structural validity of the questionnaires, confirmatory factor analysis were applied. Then to determine the reliability questionnaires, a pilot study on 40 athletes was conducted. The results of Cronbach's alpha coefficient showed (coaching efficacy α=0.96, Sport Commitment α=0.70 and sport enjoyment α=0.71) that the questionnaires have acceptable reliability.
The normality analysis of variables via Skewness and kurtosis statistics, showed that distribution of data is normal. Therefore, parametric statistics and structural equation modeling scope (SEM) was used.
Results: The results showed that there are positive and significant correlation between the components of coaching efficacy with sport enjoyment and sport commitment.
Structural equation modeling analysis results showed that the components of coaching efficacy had direct and indirect effect on the sport commitment. In this model character building efficacy and sport enjoyment were as mediator variables that the largest effect on sport commitment (β=0.38).
Conclusion: The research conclusion showed that athletics΄ perception from coaching efficacy has effects on sport enjoyment and commitment. Among the dimensions of coaching efficacy, character building efficacy has had the most right effect on sport enjoyment and commitment. The results of this research emphasis on attention importance to athletics΄ perception. Finally, the Model showed a good fit to the data.


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