Validation of Persian Version The Coaching Efficacy Scale-2

Document Type : Research Paper


1 assisstant professor

2 Assistant professor


The purpose of this study was to determine the validity & reliability of Persian Version The Coaching Efficacy Scale-2. For this purpose, 250 men and women Coachs in three skills level from tow filed (team sport and individual) girls were chosen by Purposeful sampling and completed the Scale. At first data was confirmed with use of translation- retranslation, face validity and translation accuracy methods. For scale construct validity, confirmatory factor analysis and for scale's internal constancy and also infraclass correlations coefficient temporal stability, Cranach alpha coefficient was used. The results show that the model fit index (RMSEA, 0.055; CFI, 0.95 & TLI, 0.94), Internal consistency (Motivation 0.85, Game Strategy 0.85, Technique 0.79, Character building 0.85 and Physical conditioning 0.86 and the total scale 0.79) and temporal stability (Motivation 0.81, Game Strategy 0.79, Technique 0.79, Character building 0.83, Physical conditioning 0.78 and the total scale 0.79) showed Persian Version the Coaching Efficacy Scale-2 have good ralibilitay and validity.These findings indicated good validity and reliability for the Persian version of the Coaching Efficacy Scale-2. Therefore, the Persian Version the Coaching Efficacy Scale-2 can be employed as a tool to study and evaluate the Efficacy of Iranian men and women Coachs.


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