identify investigate the effective factors in improving the quality of teaching the practical lessons of physical education

Document Type : Research Paper


1 sport management group, shomal university, Amol,Iran

2 mazandaran university



The purpose of the research is to investigate the effective factors in improving the quality of teaching the practical lessons of physical education in higher education through the hierarchical analysis method, which is currently applicable in terms of applied purpose and in terms of how descriptive-pilgrimage is carried out. There is also a consecutive exploratory design from the data viewpoint in the mixed research domain. The statistical population includes all managers and educational staff of physical education faculties (target faculties) and faculty members of physical education in the northwestern regions of the country including Tabriz, Urmia, Ardebil, Sanandaj, and Zanjan. In the qualitative section, the data collected from the review of the texts were analyzed using content analysis (descriptive type) and from the data collected through interviews using content analysis, categories were extracted. In the quantitative section, a researcher-made questionnaire with 29 items was used, the validity of which was confirmed by method of expert evaluation, the reliability of which was confirmed using pairwise comparison, and finally, a hierarchical analysis test was used (in order to extract and rank the dimensions and components of high quality vocational teaching).
According to the findings, among the influencing factors, the sports skill factor has the highest impact on the quality of professional teaching of practical physical education courses of university professors. The teaching factors are in the second place, the facilities factor is in the third place, and the individual and motivational-social factor is the least impactful. Also, among the indicators affecting the quality of professional teaching of practical physical education courses, the indicators of concept-based education, models of teaching physical movements, teachers' salaries and benefits, the physical fitness of students, and the physical fitness of the teacher have the greatest impact on the quality of teaching practical courses.


Main Subjects

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