The roll of experiential marketing on the Consumer behavior of Students Participating in In-School Olympiad of Mashhad city

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Binalud Institute of Higher Education

2 Kharazmi University of Tehran

3 .

4 iran, mashhad


Background & Purpose: The main objective of this study is to investigate the role of experiential event marketing in consumption behavior of students attending intra-school Olympiad.
Methodology: Our statistical population included school girls and boys attending intra-school Olympiad. Regarding correlational studies, we (randomly) selected 250 samples. The results of validity review showed that the reliability of these two questionnaires were 0.88 and 0.86, respectively.Descriptive and inferential tests (T, Pearson correlation, regression and confirmatory factor analysis) were used to analyze the data.
Results:The results suggested that correlational, perceptual, functional, sensual experience and cognitive components gain the most important priority among the components of experiential event marketing. Moreover, 53% of changes in students’ consumption behavior relate to experiential event marketing variable (P < 0.05). Experiential event marketing can have a positive and significant influence on students’ consumption behavior. The magnitude of this impact equal path coefficient, i.e. 0.89.
Conclusion:According to the results of this study, paying attention to tangible and experiential sense-triggering events such as playing exciting sports music, diverse coloring, energizing drinks and sports standard facilities can influence students’ five-senses and also, the senses experienced can be memorable. Moreover, they motivate the students and bring activity, cheerfulness and loyalty to them. Consequently, these senses can make the students rejoin the events in the future.


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