Prpviding a Qualitative Model for Reducing the Tort Law of Sports and Youth Organizations in Sport Incidents

Document Type : Research Paper


MS.C in Sport Management, Sport Sciences Faculty, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.


Objective: This paper aimed to reduce the tort law of sports and youth organizations in incidents that occurred during sports activities.
Methodology: This research had a qualitative approach that was carried out by the Grounded Theory. The statistical population included professors of sports management who were knowledgeable about sports law issues, official judicial experts in sports events, and the authorities of sports and youth organizations of Isfahan province. Sampling was done purposefully using the snowball method. The obtained data were analyzed and then investigated using three stages of open, axial, and selective coding. In the three stages of coding, the main and sub-categories were identified and related to each other.
Results: The results showed that in tort law of sports and youth organizations in sports incidents, causal conditions include non-compliance with standards and non-compliance with laws and regulations, underlying conditions include lack of awareness, negligence in supervision, poor technical management, poor human resources management, and lack of liability insurance, and intervening conditions include individual factors, organizational factors, legal factors, and environmental factors. Also, to reduce the tort law of sports and youth organizations, the strategies include training, information, preventive measures, and privatization, and the implementation of these strategies would result in many financial (such as cost reductions) and non-financial (such as improving performance and organizational effectiveness) consequences.
Conclusion:  It is necessary that the authorities of sports and youth organizations launch some activities to reduce their tort law related to sports events, by increasing awareness of the rules and regulations of sports law and informing others, increasing the supervision of the sports facilities, infrastructure standardization, educating, and taking preventive measures.


Main Subjects


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