The effect of implicit and explicit learning on Error Detection Capability: Testing of representation based of sample hypothesis.

Document Type : Research Paper


Introduction and Purpose: Different researches have illustrated that people learn in systematic environment without conscious attention. This learning, implicit learning, is opposite of explicit learning. The purpose of this research was comparison effect implicit and explicit learning on acquisition and retention Coincidence Anticipation Timing Task and Error Detection Capability.
Methodology: This study is semi-experimental. The number of 30 subjects randomly in three groups was tested. The first group (explicit learning) about the existence of repetitive sequences in the middle section (between two random section), information was given. The second group (implicit learning without secondary task) the same task without the knowledge of the existence of repetitive sequences in the middle played. Other group (implicit learning with secondary task) simultaneously performing a secondary task. Subjects after pre-test train 3 days and very day 15 blocks consist of 18 efforts and then participated in the retention test. Secondary task included remember a number of frequency-specific sound tone that after the end of each block by subjects in a particular location on the page were recorded.Data has been analyzed by statistical methods: MANOVA and TOKY test.
Results: The results showed in acquisition and retention tests there is significant difference between middle repetitive section and at least one of random sections in all groups(p=0.0001). Also there was significant difference between groups in Absolut Error (p=0.393). However subjects in implicit groups don’t aware of repetitive sequence but they learned as much as explicit group. And also we found better performance in explicit group rather than other groups in error detection capability (p= 0.004).
Discussion:This showed that motor performance experiences, increases motor learning levelwhile subjects is not aware from components task. Thus, according to implicit learning, subjects can perception their performance by representation based of sample.


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