تأثیر یک دوره برنامۀ تمرین مهارت‌های روان‌شناختی بر عملکرد مهاجمان تیم فوتبال ساحلی شهر سمنان

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 استادیار دانشگاه سمنان

2 عضو هیات علمی دانشگاه سمنان

3 کارشناسی ارشد رفتار حرکتی دانشگاه سمنان


ممقدمه و هدف: امروزه کسب موفقیت ورزشی بدون توجه به مهارت‌های روان‌شناختی امکان‌پذیر نیست. هدف پژوهش حاضر بررسی اثر یک دوره تمرین مهارت‌های روان‌شناختی بر عملکرد ورزشی مهاجمان فوتبال ساحلی شهر سمنان بود.
روش شناسی: به این منظور، سه نفر از مهاجمان حاضر در لیگ تیم فوتبال ساحلی شهر سمنان، به‌صورت نمونۀ در دسترس انتخاب شدند. در این پژوهش از طرح تک‏آزمودنی با خط ‎پایۀ چندگانه جهت بررسی عملکرد ضربۀ سر دقیق، شوت صحیح و پاس دقیق استفاده شد. پس از اعمال یک دورۀ برنامۀ تمرین مهارت‎های روانشناختی به منظور بررسی تغییرات نیم‌رخ عملکرد شرکت‌کنندگان نسبت به قبل و بعد از مداخله از شاخص ام.بی.دی و اندازۀ اثر با محاسبۀ دی‌کوهن استفاده شد.
یافته‌ها: در این پژوهش آزمودنی‌ها در مجموع به 66/50% بهبودی و اندازۀ اثر 57/3 در عملکرد ضربۀ سر دقیق، 52% بهبودی و اندازۀ اثر 4/3 در عملکرد درصد شوت صحیح و همچنین به 46/54% بهبودی با اندازۀ اثر 61/3 در عملکرد پاس دقیق دست یافتند که به ترتیب به معنای بهبودی نسبی و معناداری آماری می‌باشد.
بحث و نتیجه‌گیری: نتایج این پژوهش نشان می‌دهد که تمرین مهارت‌های روان‌شناختی زمینه ساز بهبود عملکرد ضربۀ سر دقیق، شوت صحیح و پاس دقیق و به‌تبع آن بر عملکرد ورزشی فوتبالیست‌های مهاجم رشتۀ فوتبال ساحلی است. احتمالاً افزایش خودآگاهی ورزشکاران نسبت به نقاط قوت و ضعف خود زمینه‎ساز این تغییرات بوده است . بنابراین پیشنهاد می‌گردد مربیان و روان‌شناسان ورزشی از این تمرینات برای بهبود عملکرد ورزشکاران خود استفاده کنند.


  1. Halvari H, Thomassen TO. Achievement motivation, sports-related future orientation, and sporting career. Genet Soc Gen Psychol Monogr. 1997;123(3):343-66.
  2. Seiler R, Stock A. Handbuch Psychotraining im Sport: Methoden im Überblick: Rowohlt; 1994.
  3. VaezMousavi M, and Mosayebi, F. sport psychology. Tehran: In Persian.: Samt; 2012.
  4. Taylor J. A conceptual model for integrating athletes' needs and sport demands in the development of competitive mental preparation strategies. The Sport Psychologist. 1
  5. Swain A, Jones G. Effects of goal-setting interventions on selected basketball skills: A single-subject design. Res Q Exerc Sport. 1995;66(1):51-63.
  6. Johnson JJ, Hrycaiko DW, Johnson GV, Halas JM. Self-talk and female youth soccer performance. Sport Psychologist. 2004;18(1):44-59.
  7. Rogerson LJ, Hrycaiko DW. Enhancing competitive performance of ice hockey goaltenders using centering and self-talk. J Appl Sport Psychol. 2002;14(1):14-26.
  8. Thelwell RC, Greenlees IA, Weston NJ. Using psychological skills training to develop soccer performance. J Appl Sport Psychol. 2006;18(3):254-70.
  9. Weinberg RS, Gould D. Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 6E: Human Kinetics; 2014.
  10. Bell RJ, Skinner CH, Fisher LA. Decreasing putting yips in accomplished golfers via solution-focused guided imagery: A single-subject research design. J Appl Sport Psychol. 2009;21(1):1-14.
  11. Thomas O, Maynard I, Hanton S. Intervening with athletes during the time leading up to competition: Theory to practice II. J Appl Sport Psychol. 2007;19(4):398-418.
  12. Boutcher SH, Rotella RJ. A psychological skills educational program for closed-skill performance enhancement. The Sport Psychologist. 1987;1(2):127-37.
  13. Birrer D, Morgan G. Psychological skills training as a way to enhance an athlete's performance in high‐intensity sports. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2010;20(s2):78-87.
  14. Thelwell RC, Greenlees IA, Weston NJ. Examining the use of psychological skills throughout soccer performance. Journal of Sport Behavior. 2010; 33(1):109.
  15. Papaioannou A, Ballon F, Theodorakis Y, Vanden AU, Wellee Y. Combined effect of goal setting and self-talk in performance of a soccer-shooting task 1, 2. Percept Mot Skills. 2004;98(1):89-99.
  16. Munroe-Chandler K, Hall C, Fishburne G. Playing with confidence: The relationship between imagery use and self-confidence and self-efficacy in youth soccer players. J Sports Sci. 2008;26(14):1539-46.
  17. Kazdin AE. Research design in clinical psychology. 2003.
  18. Alresheed F, Hott B, Bano C. Single subject research: A synthesis of analytic methods. Journal of Special Education Apprenticeship. 2013;2(1):1-18.
  19. Mastropieri MA, Scruggs TE. Early intervention for socially withdrawn children. The Journal of Special Education. 1985;19(4):429-41.
  20. Maggin DM, Briesch AM, Chafouleas SM. An application of the What Works Clearinghouse standards for evaluating single-subject research: Synthesis of the self-management literature base. Remedial and Special Education. 2012:0741932511435176.

21.Campbell, J. M. Efficacy of behavioral interventions for reducing problem behavior in persons with autism: A quantitative synthesis of single-subject research. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 2003; 24, 120–138.

22.Barker, J. B., Mellalieu, S.D., McCarthy, P.J., Jones, M. V., Moran, A. A review of single-case research in sport psychology 1997–2012: Research Trends and Future Directions. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 2013; 25, 4–32.

23.Cohen, J. Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences (2nd ed.), NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. 1988.

24.Morgan, D. L., & Morgan, R. K. Single-case research methods for the behavioral and health sciences. Los Angeles, CA: Sage. 2009.

25.Manolov R, Solanas A. Percentage of nonoverlapping corrected data. Behav Res Methods. 2009;41(4):1262-71.

26.Wendt, O. Metaanalysis of single-subject experimental designs. Paper presented at the Panel “Roles of Single-Subject Experimental Designs in EBP Times” at the Annual Convention of the American Speech Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), Boston, MA. 2007.

27.Ingram RE, Hayes A, Scott W. Empirically supported treatments: A critical analysis: John Wiley & Sons Inc; 2000.

28.Garfield CA, Bennent HZ. Peak Performance: Mental Training Techniques of the World's Greatest Athletes, 1984. JP Tarcher.160(5).

29.Burton D. Do anxious swimmers swim slower? Reexamining the elusive anxiety-performance relationship. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 1988;10(1):45-61.

30.Weinberg RS, Hunt VV. The interrelationships between anxiety, motor performance and electromyography. Journal of Motor Behavior. 1976;8(3):219-24.

31.Murphy SM, Jowdy DP. Imagery and mental practice: Human Kinetics Publishers; 1992.

32.Cox RH. Sport psychology: Concepts and applications: McGraw-Hill; 1998.

33.Yerkes R, Dodson J. The relation of strength of stimulus to rapidity of habit-infomation. Journal of Comparative Neurology of Psychology.1908; 28,459-82.

34.Fournier JF, Calmels C, Durand‐Bush N, Salmela JH. Effects of a season‐long PST program on gymnastic performance and on psychological skill development. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 2005;3(1):59-78.

35.Gucciardi DF, Gordon S, Dimmock JA. Evaluation of a mental toughness training program for youth-aged Australian footballers: I. A quantitative analysis. J Appl Sport Psychol. 2009;21(3):307-23.

36.Gardner F, Moore Z. Clinical sport psychology: Human kinetics; 2006.

37.Freitas S, Dias C, Fonseca A. Psychological Skills Training Applied to Soccer: A Systematic Review Based on Research Methodologies. Review of European Studies. 2013;5(5):18.

38.Gratton C, Jones I. Analyzing data II: Qualitative data analysis, Research methods for sport studies. New York: Routledge; 2004.




  1. Halvari H, Thomassen TO. Achievement motivation, sports-related future orientation, and sporting career. Genet Soc Gen Psychol Monogr. 1997;123(3):343-66.
  2. Seiler R, Stock A. Handbuch Psychotraining im Sport: Methoden im Überblick: Rowohlt; 1994.
  3. VaezMousavi M, and Mosayebi, F. sport psychology. Tehran: In Persian.: Samt; 2012.
  4. Taylor J. A conceptual model for integrating athletes' needs and sport demands in the development of competitive mental preparation strategies. The Sport Psychologist. 1
  5. Swain A, Jones G. Effects of goal-setting interventions on selected basketball skills: A single-subject design. Res Q Exerc Sport. 1995;66(1):51-63.
  6. Johnson JJ, Hrycaiko DW, Johnson GV, Halas JM. Self-talk and female youth soccer performance. Sport Psychologist. 2004;18(1):44-59.
  7. Rogerson LJ, Hrycaiko DW. Enhancing competitive performance of ice hockey goaltenders using centering and self-talk. J Appl Sport Psychol. 2002;14(1):14-26.
  8. Thelwell RC, Greenlees IA, Weston NJ. Using psychological skills training to develop soccer performance. J Appl Sport Psychol. 2006;18(3):254-70.
  9. Weinberg RS, Gould D. Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 6E: Human Kinetics; 2014.
  10. Bell RJ, Skinner CH, Fisher LA. Decreasing putting yips in accomplished golfers via solution-focused guided imagery: A single-subject research design. J Appl Sport Psychol. 2009;21(1):1-14.
  11. Thomas O, Maynard I, Hanton S. Intervening with athletes during the time leading up to competition: Theory to practice II. J Appl Sport Psychol. 2007;19(4):398-418.
  12. Boutcher SH, Rotella RJ. A psychological skills educational program for closed-skill performance enhancement. The Sport Psychologist. 1987;1(2):127-37.
  13. Birrer D, Morgan G. Psychological skills training as a way to enhance an athlete's performance in high‐intensity sports. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2010;20(s2):78-87.
  14. Thelwell RC, Greenlees IA, Weston NJ. Examining the use of psychological skills throughout soccer performance. Journal of Sport Behavior. 2010; 33(1):109.
  15. Papaioannou A, Ballon F, Theodorakis Y, Vanden AU, Wellee Y. Combined effect of goal setting and self-talk in performance of a soccer-shooting task 1, 2. Percept Mot Skills. 2004;98(1):89-99.
  16. Munroe-Chandler K, Hall C, Fishburne G. Playing with confidence: The relationship between imagery use and self-confidence and self-efficacy in youth soccer players. J Sports Sci. 2008;26(14):1539-46.
  17. Kazdin AE. Research design in clinical psychology. 2003.
  18. Alresheed F, Hott B, Bano C. Single subject research: A synthesis of analytic methods. Journal of Special Education Apprenticeship. 2013;2(1):1-18.
  19. Mastropieri MA, Scruggs TE. Early intervention for socially withdrawn children. The Journal of Special Education. 1985;19(4):429-41.
  20. Maggin DM, Briesch AM, Chafouleas SM. An application of the What Works Clearinghouse standards for evaluating single-subject research: Synthesis of the self-management literature base. Remedial and Special Education. 2012:0741932511435176.

21.Campbell, J. M. Efficacy of behavioral interventions for reducing problem behavior in persons with autism: A quantitative synthesis of single-subject research. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 2003; 24, 120–138.

22.Barker, J. B., Mellalieu, S.D., McCarthy, P.J., Jones, M. V., Moran, A. A review of single-case research in sport psychology 1997–2012: Research Trends and Future Directions. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 2013; 25, 4–32.

23.Cohen, J. Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences (2nd ed.), NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. 1988.

24.Morgan, D. L., & Morgan, R. K. Single-case research methods for the behavioral and health sciences. Los Angeles, CA: Sage. 2009.

25.Manolov R, Solanas A. Percentage of nonoverlapping corrected data. Behav Res Methods. 2009;41(4):1262-71.

26.Wendt, O. Metaanalysis of single-subject experimental designs. Paper presented at the Panel “Roles of Single-Subject Experimental Designs in EBP Times” at the Annual Convention of the American Speech Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), Boston, MA. 2007.

27.Ingram RE, Hayes A, Scott W. Empirically supported treatments: A critical analysis: John Wiley & Sons Inc; 2000.

28.Garfield CA, Bennent HZ. Peak Performance: Mental Training Techniques of the World's Greatest Athletes, 1984. JP Tarcher.160(5).

29.Burton D. Do anxious swimmers swim slower? Reexamining the elusive anxiety-performance relationship. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 1988;10(1):45-61.

30.Weinberg RS, Hunt VV. The interrelationships between anxiety, motor performance and electromyography. Journal of Motor Behavior. 1976;8(3):219-24.

31.Murphy SM, Jowdy DP. Imagery and mental practice: Human Kinetics Publishers; 1992.

32.Cox RH. Sport psychology: Concepts and applications: McGraw-Hill; 1998.

33.Yerkes R, Dodson J. The relation of strength of stimulus to rapidity of habit-infomation. Journal of Comparative Neurology of Psychology.1908; 28,459-82.

34.Fournier JF, Calmels C, Durand‐Bush N, Salmela JH. Effects of a season‐long PST program on gymnastic performance and on psychological skill development. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 2005;3(1):59-78.

35.Gucciardi DF, Gordon S, Dimmock JA. Evaluation of a mental toughness training program for youth-aged Australian footballers: I. A quantitative analysis. J Appl Sport Psychol. 2009;21(3):307-23.

36.Gardner F, Moore Z. Clinical sport psychology: Human kinetics; 2006.

37.Freitas S, Dias C, Fonseca A. Psychological Skills Training Applied to Soccer: A Systematic Review Based on Research Methodologies. Review of European Studies. 2013;5(5):18.

38.Gratton C, Jones I. Analyzing data II: Qualitative data analysis, Research methods for sport studies. New York: Routledge; 2004.

  1. Halvari H, Thomassen TO. Achievement motivation, sports-related future orientation, and sporting career. Genet Soc Gen Psychol Monogr. 1997;123(3):343-66.
  2. Seiler R, Stock A. Handbuch Psychotraining im Sport: Methoden im Überblick: Rowohlt; 1994.
  3. VaezMousavi M, and Mosayebi, F. sport psychology. Tehran: In Persian.: Samt; 2012.
  4. Taylor J. A conceptual model for integrating athletes' needs and sport demands in the development of competitive mental preparation strategies. The Sport Psychologist. 1
  5. Swain A, Jones G. Effects of goal-setting interventions on selected basketball skills: A single-subject design. Res Q Exerc Sport. 1995;66(1):51-63.
  6. Johnson JJ, Hrycaiko DW, Johnson GV, Halas JM. Self-talk and female youth soccer performance. Sport Psychologist. 2004;18(1):44-59.
  7. Rogerson LJ, Hrycaiko DW. Enhancing competitive performance of ice hockey goaltenders using centering and self-talk. J Appl Sport Psychol. 2002;14(1):14-26.
  8. Thelwell RC, Greenlees IA, Weston NJ. Using psychological skills training to develop soccer performance. J Appl Sport Psychol. 2006;18(3):254-70.
  9. Weinberg RS, Gould D. Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 6E: Human Kinetics; 2014.
  10. Bell RJ, Skinner CH, Fisher LA. Decreasing putting yips in accomplished golfers via solution-focused guided imagery: A single-subject research design. J Appl Sport Psychol. 2009;21(1):1-14.
  11. Thomas O, Maynard I, Hanton S. Intervening with athletes during the time leading up to competition: Theory to practice II. J Appl Sport Psychol. 2007;19(4):398-418.
  12. Boutcher SH, Rotella RJ. A psychological skills educational program for closed-skill performance enhancement. The Sport Psychologist. 1987;1(2):127-37.
  13. Birrer D, Morgan G. Psychological skills training as a way to enhance an athlete's performance in high‐intensity sports. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2010;20(s2):78-87.
  14. Thelwell RC, Greenlees IA, Weston NJ. Examining the use of psychological skills throughout soccer performance. Journal of Sport Behavior. 2010; 33(1):109.
  15. Papaioannou A, Ballon F, Theodorakis Y, Vanden AU, Wellee Y. Combined effect of goal setting and self-talk in performance of a soccer-shooting task 1, 2. Percept Mot Skills. 2004;98(1):89-99.
  16. Munroe-Chandler K, Hall C, Fishburne G. Playing with confidence: The relationship between imagery use and self-confidence and self-efficacy in youth soccer players. J Sports Sci. 2008;26(14):1539-46.
  17. Kazdin AE. Research design in clinical psychology. 2003.
  18. Alresheed F, Hott B, Bano C. Single subject research: A synthesis of analytic methods. Journal of Special Education Apprenticeship. 2013;2(1):1-18.
  19. Mastropieri MA, Scruggs TE. Early intervention for socially withdrawn children. The Journal of Special Education. 1985;19(4):429-41.
  20. Maggin DM, Briesch AM, Chafouleas SM. An application of the What Works Clearinghouse standards for evaluating single-subject research: Synthesis of the self-management literature base. Remedial and Special Education. 2012:0741932511435176.

21.Campbell, J. M. Efficacy of behavioral interventions for reducing problem behavior in persons with autism: A quantitative synthesis of single-subject research. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 2003; 24, 120–138.

22.Barker, J. B., Mellalieu, S.D., McCarthy, P.J., Jones, M. V., Moran, A. A review of single-case research in sport psychology 1997–2012: Research Trends and Future Directions. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 2013; 25, 4–32.

23.Cohen, J. Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences (2nd ed.), NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. 1988.

24.Morgan, D. L., & Morgan, R. K. Single-case research methods for the behavioral and health sciences. Los Angeles, CA: Sage. 2009.

25.Manolov R, Solanas A. Percentage of nonoverlapping corrected data. Behav Res Methods. 2009;41(4):1262-71.

26.Wendt, O. Metaanalysis of single-subject experimental designs. Paper presented at the Panel “Roles of Single-Subject Experimental Designs in EBP Times” at the Annual Convention of the American Speech Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), Boston, MA. 2007.

27.Ingram RE, Hayes A, Scott W. Empirically supported treatments: A critical analysis: John Wiley & Sons Inc; 2000.

28.Garfield CA, Bennent HZ. Peak Performance: Mental Training Techniques of the World's Greatest Athletes, 1984. JP Tarcher.160(5).

29.Burton D. Do anxious swimmers swim slower? Reexamining the elusive anxiety-performance relationship. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 1988;10(1):45-61.

30.Weinberg RS, Hunt VV. The interrelationships between anxiety, motor performance and electromyography. Journal of Motor Behavior. 1976;8(3):219-24.

31.Murphy SM, Jowdy DP. Imagery and mental practice: Human Kinetics Publishers; 1992.

32.Cox RH. Sport psychology: Concepts and applications: McGraw-Hill; 1998.

33.Yerkes R, Dodson J. The relation of strength of stimulus to rapidity of habit-infomation. Journal of Comparative Neurology of Psychology.1908; 28,459-82.

34.Fournier JF, Calmels C, Durand‐Bush N, Salmela JH. Effects of a season‐long PST program on gymnastic performance and on psychological skill development. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 2005;3(1):59-78.

35.Gucciardi DF, Gordon S, Dimmock JA. Evaluation of a mental toughness training program for youth-aged Australian footballers: I. A quantitative analysis. J Appl Sport Psychol. 2009;21(3):307-23.

36.Gardner F, Moore Z. Clinical sport psychology: Human kinetics; 2006.

37.Freitas S, Dias C, Fonseca A. Psychological Skills Training Applied to Soccer: A Systematic Review Based on Research Methodologies. Review of European Studies. 2013;5(5):18.

38.Gratton C, Jones I. Analyzing data II: Qualitative data analysis, Research methods for sport studies. New York: Routledge; 2004.




  1. Halvari H, Thomassen TO. Achievement motivation, sports-related future orientation, and sporting career. Genet Soc Gen Psychol Monogr. 1997;123(3):343-66.
  2. Seiler R, Stock A. Handbuch Psychotraining im Sport: Methoden im Überblick: Rowohlt; 1994.
  3. VaezMousavi M, and Mosayebi, F. sport psychology. Tehran: In Persian.: Samt; 2012.
  4. Taylor J. A conceptual model for integrating athletes' needs and sport demands in the development of competitive mental preparation strategies. The Sport Psychologist. 1
  5. Swain A, Jones G. Effects of goal-setting interventions on selected basketball skills: A single-subject design. Res Q Exerc Sport. 1995;66(1):51-63.
  6. Johnson JJ, Hrycaiko DW, Johnson GV, Halas JM. Self-talk and female youth soccer performance. Sport Psychologist. 2004;18(1):44-59.
  7. Rogerson LJ, Hrycaiko DW. Enhancing competitive performance of ice hockey goaltenders using centering and self-talk. J Appl Sport Psychol. 2002;14(1):14-26.
  8. Thelwell RC, Greenlees IA, Weston NJ. Using psychological skills training to develop soccer performance. J Appl Sport Psychol. 2006;18(3):254-70.
  9. Weinberg RS, Gould D. Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 6E: Human Kinetics; 2014.
  10. Bell RJ, Skinner CH, Fisher LA. Decreasing putting yips in accomplished golfers via solution-focused guided imagery: A single-subject research design. J Appl Sport Psychol. 2009;21(1):1-14.
  11. Thomas O, Maynard I, Hanton S. Intervening with athletes during the time leading up to competition: Theory to practice II. J Appl Sport Psychol. 2007;19(4):398-418.
  12. Boutcher SH, Rotella RJ. A psychological skills educational program for closed-skill performance enhancement. The Sport Psychologist. 1987;1(2):127-37.
  13. Birrer D, Morgan G. Psychological skills training as a way to enhance an athlete's performance in high‐intensity sports. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2010;20(s2):78-87.
  14. Thelwell RC, Greenlees IA, Weston NJ. Examining the use of psychological skills throughout soccer performance. Journal of Sport Behavior. 2010; 33(1):109.
  15. Papaioannou A, Ballon F, Theodorakis Y, Vanden AU, Wellee Y. Combined effect of goal setting and self-talk in performance of a soccer-shooting task 1, 2. Percept Mot Skills. 2004;98(1):89-99.
  16. Munroe-Chandler K, Hall C, Fishburne G. Playing with confidence: The relationship between imagery use and self-confidence and self-efficacy in youth soccer players. J Sports Sci. 2008;26(14):1539-46.
  17. Kazdin AE. Research design in clinical psychology. 2003.
  18. Alresheed F, Hott B, Bano C. Single subject research: A synthesis of analytic methods. Journal of Special Education Apprenticeship. 2013;2(1):1-18.
  19. Mastropieri MA, Scruggs TE. Early intervention for socially withdrawn children. The Journal of Special Education. 1985;19(4):429-41.
  20. Maggin DM, Briesch AM, Chafouleas SM. An application of the What Works Clearinghouse standards for evaluating single-subject research: Synthesis of the self-management literature base. Remedial and Special Education. 2012:0741932511435176.

21.Campbell, J. M. Efficacy of behavioral interventions for reducing problem behavior in persons with autism: A quantitative synthesis of single-subject research. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 2003; 24, 120–138.

22.Barker, J. B., Mellalieu, S.D., McCarthy, P.J., Jones, M. V., Moran, A. A review of single-case research in sport psychology 1997–2012: Research Trends and Future Directions. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 2013; 25, 4–32.

23.Cohen, J. Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences (2nd ed.), NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. 1988.

24.Morgan, D. L., & Morgan, R. K. Single-case research methods for the behavioral and health sciences. Los Angeles, CA: Sage. 2009.

25.Manolov R, Solanas A. Percentage of nonoverlapping corrected data. Behav Res Methods. 2009;41(4):1262-71.

26.Wendt, O. Metaanalysis of single-subject experimental designs. Paper presented at the Panel “Roles of Single-Subject Experimental Designs in EBP Times” at the Annual Convention of the American Speech Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), Boston, MA. 2007.

27.Ingram RE, Hayes A, Scott W. Empirically supported treatments: A critical analysis: John Wiley & Sons Inc; 2000.

28.Garfield CA, Bennent HZ. Peak Performance: Mental Training Techniques of the World's Greatest Athletes, 1984. JP Tarcher.160(5).

29.Burton D. Do anxious swimmers swim slower? Reexamining the elusive anxiety-performance relationship. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 1988;10(1):45-61.

30.Weinberg RS, Hunt VV. The interrelationships between anxiety, motor performance and electromyography. Journal of Motor Behavior. 1976;8(3):219-24.

31.Murphy SM, Jowdy DP. Imagery and mental practice: Human Kinetics Publishers; 1992.

32.Cox RH. Sport psychology: Concepts and applications: McGraw-Hill; 1998.

33.Yerkes R, Dodson J. The relation of strength of stimulus to rapidity of habit-infomation. Journal of Comparative Neurology of Psychology.1908; 28,459-82.

34.Fournier JF, Calmels C, Durand‐Bush N, Salmela JH. Effects of a season‐long PST program on gymnastic performance and on psychological skill development. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 2005;3(1):59-78.

35.Gucciardi DF, Gordon S, Dimmock JA. Evaluation of a mental toughness training program for youth-aged Australian footballers: I. A quantitative analysis. J Appl Sport Psychol. 2009;21(3):307-23.

36.Gardner F, Moore Z. Clinical sport psychology: Human kinetics; 2006.

37.Freitas S, Dias C, Fonseca A. Psychological Skills Training Applied to Soccer: A Systematic Review Based on Research Methodologies. Review of European Studies. 2013;5(5):18.

38.Gratton C, Jones I. Analyzing data II: Qualitative data analysis, Research methods for sport studies. New York: Routledge; 2004.