تدوین مدل راهبردی شرکت های ورزشی دانش بنیان کارآفرین محور در ایران: یک نظریه ی برخاسته از داده‌ها

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دانشگاه علامه طباطبائی

2 هیات علمی



مقدمه و هدف: حدود یک دهه از تصویب قانون حمایت از کارآفرینان در قالب استقرار شرکت های دانش بنیان سپری شده است. از این منظر، ضرورت دارد پژوهش هایی در باره ی کارآفرینی، کسب و کارهای جدید در حوزه ورزش یا همان شرکت های ورزشی دانش بنیان در کشور انجام گیرد. از این رو، هدف این مقاله طراحی مدل شرکت های ورزشی دانش بنیان کارآفرین محور در ایران بود. روش شناسی: در این راستا از رویکرد کیفی و از نظریه برخاسته از داده ها روش استراوس و کوربین بهره گرفته شده است. پس از انجام 20 مصاحبه ی عمیق و نیمه ‌ساختاریافته با مدیران و موسسان شرکت های دانش بنیان ورزشی و غیر ورزشی، پارک های علم و فناوری، مراکز رشد، استارتاپ های ورزشی، صنایع، اساتید، فارغ التحصیلان دکتری مدیریت ورزشی و نخبگان حوزه کارآفرینی ورزشی اشباع نظری حاصل گشت و مقوله‌های اصلی پس از تکمیل فرایند کدگذاری استخراج گردید همچنین اعتبار پژوهش با استفاده از فرآیندهای حساسیت پژوهشگر، انسجام روش‌شناسی، متناسب بودن نمونه، گردآوری و تحلیل هم‌زمان داده‌ها، اندیشیدن تئوریک و مراحل هفت گانه مورد توجه قرار گرفت و از پایایی باز آزمون استفاده گردید. یافته ها و نتیجه گیری: پس از تکمیل یافته‌ها، عوامل ساختاری و دولتی، چشم انداز و فرآیندها، فناوری اطلاعات و زیر ساخت سخت از علل اصلی، عوامل داخلی و خارجی شرکت و ایجاد واحد تخصصی ورزشی مادر از جمله عوامل زمینه ای و عوامل سازمانی و فرهنگی از جمله عوامل مداخله گر در این پژوهش بود. عوامل تیم سازی، منایع انسانی متخصص و کارآفرین، سیستم حمایتی و تسهیل مقررات از راهبردهای این پژوهش بود که می تواند به اشتغال زایی، خودکفایی اقتصادی، توسعه ورزش و رشد و احیای شرکت های ورزشی دانش بنیان کمک شایانی نماید.



  1. Venkitachalam, K. & Willmott, H. (2017). " Strategic knowledge management  insights and pitfalls. International Journal of Information Management." Volume 37. PP: 313-316.


    1. Papian, Nahid. (2014). " Designing and explaining the model of knowledge based organization in national media." Ph.D. Thesis. PP:21-30. (Persian)
    2. Danesh fard, Karam Allah. (2016). " Analyze the factors affecting the strategy of establishing knowledge-based companies and provide a suitable model." Strategic Management Research. Volume 22, Number 61. PP: 29-53. (Persian)
    3. Carayannis, E. G. Ferreira, J. M. Jalali, M. & Ferreria, F. (2018). " MCDA in knowledge-based economies: methodological developments and real world applications." Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Number 131. PP: 1-3.
    4. Khaiatian, Mohammad Sadegh; Tabatabaiian, Habib Allah; Amiri, Maghsod and Eliasi, Mehdi. (2015). " Content analysis of knowledge-based companies." Organizational Resource Management Research. Volume 5, PP: 21-47. (Persian)
    5. Esfandiari, Zeinab; Naiiji, Mohammad javad. (2017). " The impact of entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation on the success of new product development in knowledge-based companies." Journal of Technology Development, Volume 13, Number 52. PP: 1-7. (Persian)
    6. Eghbal Mojed; Safari, Ali and Shaemi Barzaki; Ali. (2018). " The impact of strategic entrepreneurship on business performance: The role of organizational dynamic capabilities and business environment confusion in Isfahan knowledge-based companies." Journal of Entrepreneurship Development, Volume 11, Number 1. PP: 1-19. (Persian)


    1. Hadavi, Faride; Saatchian, Vahid; Azizi, Bahador and Mohammadi, Mohannad. (2017). " The role of obstacles to the development of entrepreneurship through sports in Hamadan province and providing executive solutions." Strategic Studies of Sports and Youth, Number 38. PP: 37-54. (Persian)


    1. Hemme, F., Morais, D, G., Bowers, M, T. & Todd, J, S. (2017). " Extending sport_based entrepreneurship theory through phenomenological inquiry." Sport Management Review. PP: 1-13.


    1. Carton, G., McMillan, C., & Overall, J. (2018). "Strategic capacities in us universities - the role of business schools as institutional builders." Central and Eastern European Online Library. PP: 186-198.


    1. Ratten, V. (2018). "Future research directions for sport education: toward an entrepreneurial learning approach." Education Training. Number 60. PP: 490-499.
    2. Hector, M., Campos, G., & Haces, A. (2014). "Towards a Theory for Strategic Posture in New Technology Based Firms." Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, Volume 9, Number 2. PP: 77-85.


    1. Franziska, L., Gorkan, A. & Reece, A. (2014). " The relationship between the ebtrepreneurial prtsonality and the big five personality traits." Personality and Individual Differences, Number 63. PP: 58-63.
    2. Strauss, A; Corbin, J. (2011). " Principles of qualitative method. Translated by Buick Mohammadi." Research Institute Publications. PP: 25-31.
    3. Mandalizadeh, Zeinab. (2017). "The Role of institutional factors in the development of sports businesses." 10th International Conference on Physical Education and Sport Sciences. (Persian)













    Venkitachalam, K. & Willmott, H. (2017). " Strategic knowledge management  insights and pitfalls. International Journal of Information Management." Volume 37. PP: 313-316.


    1. Papian, Nahid. (2014). " Designing and explaining the model of knowledge based organization in national media." Ph.D. Thesis. PP:21-30. (Persian)
    2. Danesh fard, Karam Allah. (2016). " Analyze the factors affecting the strategy of establishing knowledge-based companies and provide a suitable model." Strategic Management Research. Volume 22, Number 61. PP: 29-53. (Persian)
    3. Carayannis, E. G. Ferreira, J. M. Jalali, M. & Ferreria, F. (2018). " MCDA in knowledge-based economies: methodological developments and real world applications." Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Number 131. PP: 1-3.
    4. Khaiatian, Mohammad Sadegh; Tabatabaiian, Habib Allah; Amiri, Maghsod and Eliasi, Mehdi. (2015). " Content analysis of knowledge-based companies." Organizational Resource Management Research. Volume 5, PP: 21-47. (Persian)
    5. Esfandiari, Zeinab; Naiiji, Mohammad javad. (2017). " The impact of entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation on the success of new product development in knowledge-based companies." Journal of Technology Development, Volume 13, Number 52. PP: 1-7. (Persian)
    6. Eghbal Mojed; Safari, Ali and Shaemi Barzaki; Ali. (2018). " The impact of strategic entrepreneurship on business performance: The role of organizational dynamic capabilities and business environment confusion in Isfahan knowledge-based companies." Journal of Entrepreneurship Development, Volume 11, Number 1. PP: 1-19. (Persian)


    1. Hadavi, Faride; Saatchian, Vahid; Azizi, Bahador and Mohammadi, Mohannad. (2017). " The role of obstacles to the development of entrepreneurship through sports in Hamadan province and providing executive solutions." Strategic Studies of Sports and Youth, Number 38. PP: 37-54. (Persian)


    1. Hemme, F., Morais, D, G., Bowers, M, T. & Todd, J, S. (2017). " Extending sport_based entrepreneurship theory through phenomenological inquiry." Sport Management Review. PP: 1-13.


    1. Carton, G., McMillan, C., & Overall, J. (2018). "Strategic capacities in us universities - the role of business schools as institutional builders." Central and Eastern European Online Library. PP: 186-198.


    1. Ratten, V. (2018). "Future research directions for sport education: toward an entrepreneurial learning approach." Education Training. Number 60. PP: 490-499.
    2. Hector, M., Campos, G., & Haces, A. (2014). "Towards a Theory for Strategic Posture in New Technology Based Firms." Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, Volume 9, Number 2. PP: 77-85.


    1. Franziska, L., Gorkan, A. & Reece, A. (2014). " The relationship between the ebtrepreneurial prtsonality and the big five personality traits." Personality and Individual Differences, Number 63. PP: 58-63.
    2. Strauss, A; Corbin, J. (2011). " Principles of qualitative method. Translated by Buick Mohammadi." Research Institute Publications. PP: 25-31.
    3. Mandalizadeh, Zeinab. (2017). "The Role of institutional factors in the development of sports businesses." 10th International Conference on Physical Education and Sport Sciences. (Persian)











    Venkitachalam, K. & Willmott, H. (2017). " Strategic knowledge management  insights and pitfalls. International Journal of Information Management." Volume 37. PP: 313-316.


    1. Papian, Nahid. (2014). " Designing and explaining the model of knowledge based organization in national media." Ph.D. Thesis. PP:21-30. (Persian)
    2. Danesh fard, Karam Allah. (2016). " Analyze the factors affecting the strategy of establishing knowledge-based companies and provide a suitable model." Strategic Management Research. Volume 22, Number 61. PP: 29-53. (Persian)
    3. Carayannis, E. G. Ferreira, J. M. Jalali, M. & Ferreria, F. (2018). " MCDA in knowledge-based economies: methodological developments and real world applications." Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Number 131. PP: 1-3.
    4. Khaiatian, Mohammad Sadegh; Tabatabaiian, Habib Allah; Amiri, Maghsod and Eliasi, Mehdi. (2015). " Content analysis of knowledge-based companies." Organizational Resource Management Research. Volume 5, PP: 21-47. (Persian)
    5. Esfandiari, Zeinab; Naiiji, Mohammad javad. (2017). " The impact of entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation on the success of new product development in knowledge-based companies." Journal of Technology Development, Volume 13, Number 52. PP: 1-7. (Persian)
    6. Eghbal Mojed; Safari, Ali and Shaemi Barzaki; Ali. (2018). " The impact of strategic entrepreneurship on business performance: The role of organizational dynamic capabilities and business environment confusion in Isfahan knowledge-based companies." Journal of Entrepreneurship Development, Volume 11, Number 1. PP: 1-19. (Persian)


    1. Hadavi, Faride; Saatchian, Vahid; Azizi, Bahador and Mohammadi, Mohannad. (2017). " The role of obstacles to the development of entrepreneurship through sports in Hamadan province and providing executive solutions." Strategic Studies of Sports and Youth, Number 38. PP: 37-54. (Persian)


    1. Hemme, F., Morais, D, G., Bowers, M, T. & Todd, J, S. (2017). " Extending sport_based entrepreneurship theory through phenomenological inquiry." Sport Management Review. PP: 1-13.


    1. Carton, G., McMillan, C., & Overall, J. (2018). "Strategic capacities in us universities - the role of business schools as institutional builders." Central and Eastern European Online Library. PP: 186-198.


    1. Ratten, V. (2018). "Future research directions for sport education: toward an entrepreneurial learning approach." Education Training. Number 60. PP: 490-499.
    2. Hector, M., Campos, G., & Haces, A. (2014). "Towards a Theory for Strategic Posture in New Technology Based Firms." Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, Volume 9, Number 2. PP: 77-85.


    1. Franziska, L., Gorkan, A. & Reece, A. (2014). " The relationship between the ebtrepreneurial prtsonality and the big five personality traits." Personality and Individual Differences, Number 63. PP: 58-63.
    2. Strauss, A; Corbin, J. (2011). " Principles of qualitative method. Translated by Buick Mohammadi." Research Institute Publications. PP: 25-31.
    3. Mandalizadeh, Zeinab. (2017). "The Role of institutional factors in the development of sports businesses." 10th International Conference on Physical Education and Sport Sciences. (Persian)














    1. Venkitachalam, K. & Willmott, H. (2017). " Strategic knowledge management insights and pitfalls. International Journal of Information Management." Volume 37. PP: 313-316.


    1. Papian, Nahid. (2014). " Designing and explaining the model of knowledge based organization in national media." Ph.D. Thesis. PP:21-30. (Persian)
    2. Danesh fard, Karam Allah. (2016). " Analyze the factors affecting the strategy of establishing knowledge-based companies and provide a suitable model." Strategic Management Research. Volume 22, Number 61. PP: 29-53. (Persian)
    3. Carayannis, E. G. Ferreira, J. M. Jalali, M. & Ferreria, F. (2018). " MCDA in knowledge-based economies: methodological developments and real world applications." Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Number 131. PP: 1-3.
    4. Khaiatian, Mohammad Sadegh; Tabatabaiian, Habib Allah; Amiri, Maghsod and Eliasi, Mehdi. (2015). " Content analysis of knowledge-based companies." Organizational Resource Management Research. Volume 5, PP: 21-47. (Persian)
    5. Esfandiari, Zeinab; Naiiji, Mohammad javad. (2017). " The impact of entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation on the success of new product development in knowledge-based companies." Journal of Technology Development, Volume 13, Number 52. PP: 1-7. (Persian)
    6. Eghbal Mojed; Safari, Ali and Shaemi Barzaki; Ali. (2018). " The impact of strategic entrepreneurship on business performance: The role of organizational dynamic capabilities and business environment confusion in Isfahan knowledge-based companies." Journal of Entrepreneurship Development, Volume 11, Number 1. PP: 1-19. (Persian)


    1. Hadavi, Faride; Saatchian, Vahid; Azizi, Bahador and Mohammadi, Mohannad. (2017). " The role of obstacles to the development of entrepreneurship through sports in Hamadan province and providing executive solutions." Strategic Studies of Sports and Youth, Number 38. PP: 37-54. (Persian)


    1. Hemme, F., Morais, D, G., Bowers, M, T. & Todd, J, S. (2017). " Extending sport_based entrepreneurship theory through phenomenological inquiry." Sport Management Review. PP: 1-13.


    1. Carton, G., McMillan, C., & Overall, J. (2018). "Strategic capacities in us universities - the role of business schools as institutional builders." Central and Eastern European Online Library. PP: 186-198.


    1. Ratten, V. (2018). "Future research directions for sport education: toward an entrepreneurial learning approach." Education Training. Number 60. PP: 490-499.
    2. Hector, M., Campos, G., & Haces, A. (2014). "Towards a Theory for Strategic Posture in New Technology Based Firms." Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, Volume 9, Number 2. PP: 77-85.


    1. Franziska, L., Gorkan, A. & Reece, A. (2014). " The relationship between the ebtrepreneurial prtsonality and the big five personality traits." Personality and Individual Differences, Number 63. PP: 58-63.
    2. Strauss, A; Corbin, J. (2011). " Principles of qualitative method. Translated by Buick Mohammadi." Research Institute Publications. PP: 25-31.
    3. Mandalizadeh, Zeinab. (2017). "The Role of institutional factors in the development of sports businesses." 10th International Conference on Physical Education and Sport Sciences. (Persian)